Web engineering and design team

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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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Ubuntu Flickr photo submissions

by Canonical on 17 July 2009

The flickr group photos are coming along very well! ( http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/ ) Keep up the good work!


Karmic wallpapers

by Canonical on 9 July 2009

Ubuntu would like to include a beautiful set of images for our users to choose from in our next release. In order to accomplish this we have set up a wiki...


Test drive Ubuntu on your Mac with Ubuntu.app

by Canonical on 7 July 2009

During Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, Ivanka Majic, Kalle Persson, Andreas Nilsson, and I had a conversation about exposing designers to the growing momentum...


Breathe icons 1st release

by Canonical on 31 May 2009

The Breathe icon team just announced their initial release. Check it out if you haven’t seen it yet on the ubuntu wiki or on gnome-look.They’ve come a long...


Intrepid and beyond

by Canonical on 24 September 2008

Things are winding up for Intrepid. This time, we spent quite some effort on trying out new things. Our dark theme test seemed to pay off. Next time I would...


UDS Intrepid

by Canonical on 26 May 2008

I spent the last week in Prague at the Ubuntu Developer Summit working on our next release, the Intrepid Ibex. In my eyes this was the best UDS yet. Pretty...


UDS Boston 2007

by Canonical on 2 November 2007

Spent the last week in Boston at FOSSCamp and the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Obligatory group picture


The last several months (busy, busy, busy)

by Canonical on 12 November 2006

It has been a while since I wrote a blog entry. Let’s see….I spent some time with my family in America. Drove around a bit between Wisconsin and St. Louis,...